Friday, November 16, 2007


HOLY CRAP!!!!! Cholerics like exclamation points.  If you don't know what a choleric is~read Florence Littauer's book "Personality Plus".  

If you think that sounds stupid or that Nichole is stupid~choleric
If you think "oh how fun...could you get that book to me...oh...uh...hey!  I sure look pretty today~sanguine (love you Megan!!! ;)
If you think "I already know what type of personality I am and I'd have to check my schedule (that I keep in my PDA/computer/gadget) to see if I could fit in reading"~melancholy (you're THE best Candice ;)
If you thinkg "gosh, reading is a LOT of work, can't you just tell me what the book says?" ~phlegmatic (love you Stef!!! ;)

Anywho~~~I got the chart posted and I know it's a little difficult to interpret.  That's because I need to have my perfect melancholy friend Candice help me figure out why everybody jumps down to zero at the end.  It took me DAYS (literally) to get the kinks worked out so far, I just need a little tweaking.  Please check out the link to the whole spreadsheet too.  It's fairly self explanatory.

GO CHICKS!!!!!  We "FAT LOSERS" unite~Ciao Nichole


Unknown said...

WHAT LINK! Your melancholy Friend! :)

The zeros come because on your spreadsheet you have cells open with the value of zero...meaning empty... and so it outputs it as zero...

I can also explain it later.

Nichole said...

I'll come to your house after walking and you can help. Yeah? Nay? Wed?