Monday, January 28, 2008

Megan~In the pool?

Do you have money for all these.  This is who I'm tracking stats for.  Let me know if I need to take somebody off~

Megan making a great showing this week!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

How to weigh yourself

I can't believe I was doing it wrong all these years. 

We must get the word out.

 Got Freedom?

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Megan~question for the treasurer, how many people do we have in the pool?

From what I discerned from the voting, $100 goes to second and that is a standing number for future "hunting trips".  So how much does first place win on this Sexy 6 Chicks II?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Another example of NON gambling

Here's a list of things that we as Americans sink our money into w/o a "guarantee" of return.

1. Insurance of any kind
2. Hunting
3. Buying most anything (cars, houses, etc)
4. Investing (stocks, mutual funds, etc)
5. Funerals
6. Social security

When we put our money into "things" there is rarely a guarantee we'll "win".  We HOPE the outcome will benefit us and usually we hope it will GREATLY benefit us.  But really.....we're gambling.


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Free file hosting from File Den!

Commentary from The Chairman ;)

We have a couple voters chiming in.  There are 2 more votes in favor of the second place "hunter" getting $100 rather than $150 from the pool.  Better than the pot eh?  So that brings the tally to 5-3 in favor of $100 second place, or as I like to refer to it, first place loser ;)-  We still need votes from Becky and Zoya and Sharon.

The deadline for buy-in is fast approaching so make sure and get your fifty bucks to Tresurer Megan by Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 11:59pm.  This round will end April 3 (that's a Thursday) and I believe we will have ANOTHER round starting that day.  Krystal is going to wait until April to jump in so that drops us down to 10 Chicks.


We had our first circuit training day on Monday.  First station was bands.  Second station was suicides (at varying paces).  Third station was free weights.  Fourth station was mini tramp cardio.  Fifth station was the ab roller.  Stef taught us some SWEET moves that I can attest to being TOTALLY MEAN.  My inner thighs have been screaming at me all day!!  Monday we'll be doing a work out video so bring your shoes and your water and join us.  We laugh as much as we work thanks to our faithful cheerleader Megan.

We have some fantastic accomplishments already from our Chicks.  Nancy has not had chocolate for 15 days.  WOO HOO!!!!!  Stef has not had candy since Thursday.  WAY TO GO GIRL!!!!!  Who else has hit some goals?

The hunt is getting hotter and everyone is smoking so keep on truckin.  Am I an idiot or what?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Excitement and Questions

I AM SO EXCITED! Just FYI - I wasn't at the weigh in this morning because I'm not going to officially weigh in until after I have my baby.
Which is in exactly 4 days and 16(ish) hrs. (Just in case you were wondering.) Sharon will remember. The 15th is her birthday too. I'll probably weigh myself when I get out of the hospital which will be next Thursday(ish).

Couple of questions though...
I guess I should have probably checked beforehand, but how much is the hunting investment start up cost? Who do I give it to? How does that work?
How long is this round going for?
Does everyone have to know our weight (how embarassing)....?
What exactly is considered cheating? From what I gather it's basically supposed to be diet and exercise, correct? I need details here..... I don't want any accusations of CHEATING being thrown my way....

I'm looking forward to this you guys! Woo hoo!

One week down...

Stefani takes the week.  We don't have a weight for Jenn or Nancy so they still have a chance to pull ahead.  Stef lost 1.2% of her total body weight this week.


We discussed some organization details and came up with some guidelines.  They are located in the Chicks profile.  We're still open to input so don't think stuff is set in stone.

We have an item that needs voted on and/or input from Zoya, Krystal, Nancy, Jenn, and Becky.  How do we split the pot?  That sounds a little funny

There are two options on the table.  Option one is first place receives $400 and second place wins $150.  Right now we have 11 people that have "committed" to the pot, but only three have put their money where their mouth is ;)  Deadline is Thursday, Jan 17

Option two is first place wins $450 and second place will be set at $100.  Those in favor of this option would also like future "hunting trips" to have second place set no matter what the size of the "pot".  

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Final Report on round 1

Anyone who wants a VERY detailed final report (spreadsheet format) shoot me a note~here or e mail.  And I will get it to you.  If you would like a printed version, let me know before Thursday and I'll bring an extra copy to weigh in.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I again am accused of cheating but now with professional help (I love you AMY!)

I visited with a dietician today (whom shall remain anonymous to protect the innocent) and was sorely disappointed.  What I wanted out of the visit was for help "tweaking" my plan for my blood sugar/repro/PCOS problem.  All I got was a lecture on how "nuts are a great snack and I should really limit my animal products and stick to plant products"  Of course I'm SLIGHTLY exaggerating but not really.  I did glean from the lecture that I should probably add some oils to my plan to satiate some cravings.  But she's not fond of "packaged diets" and says weight loss needs to be "slow and steady".  K, I ain't got time for slow and steady girlfriend.  I need to lose a TON (okay 1/2 a ton) of weight so I can fix my hormonal/menstrual/weird girl stuff QUICK and because I haven't got 10 years to get into pregnancy shape.  

After attending the temple Thursday I had VERY strong promptings that I need to work on helping/allowing Heavenly Father to fix my body so I can have biological children.  Two.  And *gasp* GIRLS.  Ugh!  And there is NO time to dawdle.  I have the distinct feeling/prompting/impression that I should really be trying hard to get pregnant.    I'm very comfortable and *gasp again* excited at the prospect of having bio. children.  Even to the point of taking fertility pills and making sure I have twins and girls.  Somehow... Don't know how plausible this is but I have very strong impression that it's the direction to head.  I have NEVER (that I can remember) had the feelings that I needed to have bio. children.  I'm slightly confused but still very sure and very excited about the possiblity.  I've been researching weight loss surgery to correct/improve my PCOS condition and facilitate pregnancy and it looks very promising.  Ned has not fully jumped on board and I plan to visit with my doctor about possiblities.

So there it is.  Stay tuned...

Two more for the road

So our new and DEFINITELY improved list contains 2 more victims....I mean chicks

WELCOME to Krystal and Zoya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


First week down and the weigh in for the new round at Nichole's house 8:15am Thursday

Cut off for the buy in is 2 weeks from start day (January 17).  Amy is trying to back out so everybody keep hounding her to come hunting with us!

Hunting Buddies

Here's a list of women who have decided to take a hunting trip together in 2008


What about...Krystal? Becky? Summer? Brittany?  If you want in, make it known.  If you invited peeps, make sure to get with them and get them in.  We want a big "buck" for the winner.

If you're a little confused about the "hunting" terminology, it will be explained.  It's a great analogy thought up by Amy.  I'm going to ask her to post a tidy little tidbit so we're all up to speed.

Monday, January 7, 2008

First and second place photos

So, Here I am not doing a thing with the diet, because I'm so depressed I didn't win, but then I see the chart and that I have kept a steady incline of weight loss. So what I'm saying is, watch out ladies! MEGAN is back and even more focussed than ever. Can't wait to see the results with the newcomers on Thursday! Good Luck!

 Honorable Mention goes to Miss Megan (courtesy of The Chicks)

Sorry it's taken so long to get stats 'n' stuff posted.  Looonnnnnnnnngggg weekend.  I'm sure the fans will understand.

The final blog poll revealed that our respondants have absolutely no idea who the Sexiest 6 Chick is.  I believe Nichole only got votes through bribery and browbeating.  A new poll will be posted and I think no chick should be able to vote for herself.  You may vote for another chick, you may encourage people to check out the blog and vote, and you may pay others to vote for you. ;)

Final chart looks like this

I know the chart is difficult to read.  Having a weird brain day and cannot figure out how to post it like the previous chart where it was a link and could be enlarged.  A couple details. AMY smoked!!!!!!!!!! the competition with a 20.3 pound total weight loss equalling 12.95%.  Candice put a totally wicked kick in and came in a FANTASTIC second with 14.4 pound weight lost totalling 10.79%.  They took home the cash and now have to fess up how they spent it.  I know Candice had a shopping trip to Boise this weekend.  DISH!!!!!  

The competition was fierce, the contestants are now leaner, meaner, harder fightin' machines and the second round begins!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Congrats to Amy for taking first! A loss of 20 pounds is awesome. I am jealous, but I am realizing She couldn't have done it without my competition! Way to go Candice with second place!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Again we go around the board

I'm in for the next round.  My friend Jenn in Alabama is in.   Stef is in.  Sharon is in.  Megan?  Lexi?  Amy?  Sandy?  Let's get some recruiting happening.  I'm hoping to get the pot to at least 500.  That would rock the house eh?