Tuesday, January 8, 2008


I again am accused of cheating but now with professional help (I love you AMY!)

I visited with a dietician today (whom shall remain anonymous to protect the innocent) and was sorely disappointed.  What I wanted out of the visit was for help "tweaking" my plan for my blood sugar/repro/PCOS problem.  All I got was a lecture on how "nuts are a great snack and I should really limit my animal products and stick to plant products"  Of course I'm SLIGHTLY exaggerating but not really.  I did glean from the lecture that I should probably add some oils to my plan to satiate some cravings.  But she's not fond of "packaged diets" and says weight loss needs to be "slow and steady".  K, I ain't got time for slow and steady girlfriend.  I need to lose a TON (okay 1/2 a ton) of weight so I can fix my hormonal/menstrual/weird girl stuff QUICK and because I haven't got 10 years to get into pregnancy shape.  

After attending the temple Thursday I had VERY strong promptings that I need to work on helping/allowing Heavenly Father to fix my body so I can have biological children.  Two.  And *gasp* GIRLS.  Ugh!  And there is NO time to dawdle.  I have the distinct feeling/prompting/impression that I should really be trying hard to get pregnant.    I'm very comfortable and *gasp again* excited at the prospect of having bio. children.  Even to the point of taking fertility pills and making sure I have twins and girls.  Somehow... Don't know how plausible this is but I have very strong impression that it's the direction to head.  I have NEVER (that I can remember) had the feelings that I needed to have bio. children.  I'm slightly confused but still very sure and very excited about the possiblity.  I've been researching weight loss surgery to correct/improve my PCOS condition and facilitate pregnancy and it looks very promising.  Ned has not fully jumped on board and I plan to visit with my doctor about possiblities.

So there it is.  Stay tuned...


URallwinners said...

Nichole- You have put me to goosebumps and tears. What a prompting to receive. Talk about direct! I will keep you in my prayers!