Sorry it's taken so long to get stats 'n' stuff posted. Looonnnnnnnnngggg weekend. I'm sure the fans will understand.
The final blog poll revealed that our respondants have absolutely no idea who the Sexiest 6 Chick is. I believe Nichole only got votes through bribery and browbeating. A new poll will be posted and I think no chick should be able to vote for herself. You may vote for another chick, you may encourage people to check out the blog and vote, and you may pay others to vote for you. ;)
Final chart looks like this

I know the chart is difficult to read. Having a weird brain day and cannot figure out how to post it like the previous chart where it was a link and could be enlarged. A couple details. AMY smoked!!!!!!!!!! the competition with a 20.3 pound total weight loss equalling 12.95%. Candice put a totally wicked kick in and came in a FANTASTIC second with 14.4 pound weight lost totalling 10.79%. They took home the cash and now have to fess up how they spent it. I know Candice had a shopping trip to Boise this weekend. DISH!!!!!
The competition was fierce, the contestants are now leaner, meaner, harder fightin' machines and the second round begins!
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