Friday, May 2, 2008

Welcome Chicks!!!

If you've found us and you are in the Chicks Weight Loss Group and want to be able to access the Top Secret Intelligence report (where our pictures and results and stats are kept) please get your e mail address registered.  I don't want anybody and everybody to be able to access weights (that's our business right?) and such.  If you can't figure out how to become a contributor by registering your e mail address, please contact me right away! (see the list on the left side of the page under "get there from here" can access an invite only page through private stats)

I'm so excited to have such a big group and look forward to the fierce competition ;)

Please remember we're working on becoming healthy, not just going without food and punishing ourselves in the name of money.  I would think that would be (as the scriptures say) "the love of money" which God commands us against.

As the weater gets warmer we'll be setting up work outs together because we ALL KNOW that exercise is a huge key in keeping ourselves healthy.  I know we can use the middle school track when school is out.  I have a road next to my house with NO traffic so kids and dogs can run free.  I'd love to do some swimming and racquetball tournaments and basketball and volleyball.  There are tennis courts and wouldn't a hike or two or three or more into the mountains be a blast!

We'd love everyone to share a recipe or two or three or more that they love (CARRIE R!!! chef extraordinare) that is healthy, low fat, family friendly.

I think, with such a big group, it will be easy to remain anonymous and that is TOTALLY against the point of the group.  We want to be friends and confidantes and a team.  So I suggest everyone share a bit about themselves and their family asap.

Welcome! to everyone and let's get healthy ... oh yeah, and win some money ;P


Nichole said...

check out my blog to get the poop on me