Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Stumbled upon...for fun...

Hey Chicks!

Check out the fun stuff these women put on their blog.

Let's rock and roll so strangers can wander into our little world.

Last Call!

Only three more days to get your money in!!!! I have Megan and Darlene paid and accounted for. That adds to the list below. We are now up to $450. Tell your friends that this is the last call! Those who are putting in but haven't yet, come with your money on Thursday!

So, on another note, I have been discouraged, because I have stopped losing weight. I keep fluctuating between a few pounds. Well, I read an article about throwing out negative or comfortable thoughts. What that means is you have got to stop thinking the way you always have. You have got to set attainable goals. Have long term, but set short term goals you can see quickly. For instance, If your goal is to lose 50 pounds, you know you can't see that within a couple of weeks, but you can see yourself cutting out late night snacks for one week! This will help you lose something. If you set a goal to lose one pound a week, that is so possible, especially if you have a plan in mind. With every goal you have to have positive affirmations and changes. You can't set a goal without change. This has helped me, because, today I am refocused! I am going to pick up my workout pace and start reaching for my water every time I want something that is not what I need to eat. Good luck.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tipping the scales

We sure had a fun weigh in today! We have new people and old people and we missed a couple people (sorry Mariah).

As per a poll taken today, there is common consent that the deadline to get in the "pool" will be next week, May 1, 2008. In light of that, we've also extended the game to July 24, 2008.

Good job to all the recruiters who are bringing more women who are excited about getting healthy. I believe the next round will have to be at a bigger location. WAY TO GO!

Here's the list

Michelle ~paid
Crystal ~paid
Tanya ~paid
Tammy ~paid
Sheri ~paid
Carrie ~paid
Terri ~paid

If you have paid and I don't have you accounted for PLEASE contact me ASAP. Pool deadline is Thursday, May 1, 2008.

So far our roster stands at
Mariah + four friends (Mariah gets the price for most recruits this round. There's not really a prize but everybody needs to pat her on the back ;P )

If I can count, we need only one more for the "pool" to be 1000 "gallons" Can you visulize the motivation! Piled all around! Swimming in it ;P Think of all the size 6 jeans you could buy with that wad.

Come on CHICKS!!!!! Let's bring one more for the pool party...see you Thursday. Leave a little extra time to discuss some housekeeping details on Thursday. Nichole will be there at 7:45am next week.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

For next week....

There are a couple things we need to accomplish at next week's weigh in's

  1. Money collected ~ so have the cold hard cash (or a check) with you 
  2. Before pictures taken (make sure the before is a very unhappy sight ;P)
  3. Measurements will be offered.  Great way to see results if the scale is NOT cooperating
  4. Elect group officials (chairperson, treasurer, web lackey)
  5. Discuss goals and decide if we want a reward for goal achieved.  I offer that we can all agree on a couple goals (outside of losing pounds) that if accomplished earn you money or something (money is easy and always accepted ;P).  For instance, we could make a goal of working out for a certain amount of hours.  If you accomplish that every week for the duration, get a prize.   Whomever never gains weight at the weigh in.  Staying the same could be okay but not going back to or above starting weight again for duration.  We'd all have the same criteria with one clear winner.
  6. All personal information to chairperson for contacting (e mail address, phone, address etc etc etc )
  7. Decide on a permanent name for group (change or stay the same)
  8. Recruiting (do we have the buy in deadline moved back one week to recruit more members?  bigger kitty...)
Work it girlfriend, work it....work it....

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Okay, so here is my before and after shot. I sent this to my family to show what I have accomplished. Thanks to the sexy 6 chicks, I feel so healthy and strong. I am going to keep going for one more round. My money is an easy snag for someone, since I only have 9 more pounds to go to my goal. So everyone needs to jump in. Now that spring is FINALLY coming, I think now is the time to get involved in some healthy competition. Let's hear your goals and motivation. You all know my motivation is my Hawaii trip in June. It's also motivating to know I will never gain another pound because of pregnancy.
Everyone has different motivations and goals. We need to help each other out to get to these. If that means competing with each other, Let's do it. If that means you just need support, we're there. It has been so nice to have a group of people cheering me on these last few months, not to mention cheering on other's success. Let's get the game on.
Thanks to Crystal, we have a place to meet every Thursday. We will meet at the Hunt Lodge, in the weight room. They have a doctor's scale. This facility is for us between 8-8:30 am on Thursdays--No Charge. If you do want to stay and work out, you will need to pay $5. I think this is so generous of the Manager to let us do this. Thanks so much!

Ready, set get Healthy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

A name...a name...

We are trying to find a more world wide name that is more inclusive than Sexy 6 Chicks. Input welcome

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Who knows

Today is not my day for heavy thinking.  Hence, I cannot figure out how to post a chart.  Yes I know, I did it before, but I don't keep track of my steps as I wander around looking for help.  It's really refreshing to have to wander around following different tracks and asking the same questions all the time instead of learning from history.


The End

Another round has come to a close with the Chicks.

Megan took the cake.  WITH A HUGE BLOWOUT!!!!!  Talk about upping your game.  She is absolutely fabulous and she looks good too.  Good luck keeping Harry off ya ;P

I'm trying to remember how to post a chart so if you're reading and not seeing yet...keep checking back.  I'm trying.

How much moolah did you walk away with?  Whatever it was, it wasn't enough.  You worked your buns to the bone and we're SO SO SO SO SO proud of you.  A little bit to go, and you're Hawaii bikini worthy!  YOU ROCK!!!