Sunday, November 18, 2007

I found this inspiration on

Believing in yourself no matter what

On July 24, 2004, there was a 0% chance of rain in Cincinnati. No way was it going to rain, according to the people who should know best. You know what? Despite millions of dollars worth of sensors, computers, and forecasting systems, the weather experts were wrong. It rained, against all odds. This is not a criticism of weather people. It's just a reminder of all the people who were given 0% chance of making it by the "experts," but who succeeded anyway. Whenever accomplishments are on the line, there are always voices whispering, preaching--even shouting--that it can't be done. Sometimes, that voice is coming from inside our own heads. If you're having doubts about your abilities, just remember: How many times have the naysayers been proven wrong? No matter what anyone says--no matter what you might believe--it can be done. The nut can become a tree. There's always a chance of rain.

So 8 years ago, Harold and I were buying a business over in Salem. We had many tell us that he would fail running his own business, because he did not have the degree to back him up. He was not going to succeed unless he went back to school or worked for someone for the rest of his life. Most of these critics were our own family members.Some were banks lenders and business men. Harold's determination and street smarts turned a business that was worth $80,000 gross into a business that was worth over $600,000 gross in just 6 years. Those who were pessimistic, were amazed to see Harold succeed. Some even apologized for lack of support. The moral is, Harold and I could've moved to Utah to work for a Granite shop. We could've stayed in poverty while Harold worked hard for someone else, but instead he followed his dream, and the inspiration he received. No, we did not strike it rich, but we can hold our heads up high, knowing we beat the odds. We are all on a weight loss path that many have failed before. Just so you know, I believe in you and your goal. Let's keep on going even through the impossible holidays!!!!
Go get 'em, Megan


Nichole said...

I enjoyed that post! Thank you Megan~