Friday, November 30, 2007


I have totally dogged everybody this week. Candice for workout twice. All ya'all for weigh in. C'mon CROSSLEY get with the program. How does life get in the way of what I want to do? Sorry chicks!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I believe everybody who lost their votes on the first poll has them back.  


Love you Chicks~nichole

Quiz Answers

1. Yes. Your eyes can fool your tummy. Set your table for weight loss success! Using smaller dishes to serve food may actually help you to eat less. Try using a salad plate for pasta or a dessert saucer for snacks.

2. You can burn more calories when you’re doing nothing…. By exercising first.
Exercise raises your metabolism and causes an increased number of calories to be burned even when you're done. That means you can exercise and then sit and watch t.v. and you will be a calorie burning couch potato! Just be sure to work out first; veg out later.
Did you ever see that old weight loss supplement commercial that claimed: "Lose weight while you sleep!"? Well, a pill can't make that happen, but in a way, exercise can. So get moving!

3. Experts agree that watching what you eat and exercising regularly is the best and safest way to lose weight. Exercise is crucial to healthy, permanent weight loss.

4. The fact is you can gain weight by eating too much of anything (Yes, even fruit!). Too many calories in and too few out, and you'll gain weight ... no matter what form the calories came in.

5. If you take your caloric intake down too low, you are actually sending your body into "starvation mode". Your body wants to maintain your weight when it "thinks" you are starving; therefore, your metabolism will actually slow down and you may not lose weight at all.

6. This is a very commonly-believed weight loss myth. But it doesn't really matter when you eat, only how many calories you eat and burn in a day. Whether you're eating in the morning or at midnight, your body turns any extra calories into fat.
In fact, eating a light snack -- *****-- before bed may help you sleep better.

7. As I'm sure you have learned, eating healthful snacks between meals helps level your blood sugar, keeps your metabolism going strong, and helps to prevent you from overeating at your next meal.

8. There's no time like the present! Lifting weights can actually help your weight loss efforts. Research shows weight-lifting increases muscle mass regardless of your current fitness level; in turn, the muscle increases the rate at which your body burns calories!

9. Technically, there is no way to force weight to come off your stomach (or any other worrisome spots). The good news is cardio exercise is great for peeling off the pounds all over, whether your trouble spot is your tummy or your thighs!
Crunches can help tone your tummy, but they don't actually reduce the weight carried there. A healthy diet and aerobic exercise can.

10. This is just an urban legend of sorts. Your muscle will not turn into fat if you stop working out.
What will happen -- over time -- if you become inactive is your muscle will atrophy little by little. This is similar to what happens if you are injured and become immobilized for an extended period of time.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Weigh in and workout

Since we all seem to miss the walking together, let's shoot for a goal and make Thursday not only weigh in but workout together.  We could all go to the Aspen Club Thurs and weigh in at the club then get some cardio and lifting in.  Any takers?

Need motivation!!!

I too miss the socialization. Now that we aren't working out together, and my scale is broken, I have little motivation. We need to find a place we are ALL comfortable going to. Any suggestions? Now with my tree in the way, my treadmill got moved into my room. Okay, I sound really depressing. Sorry! GO GET EM!

Thanksgiving Results!

Time to get back to work!!! So how did everyone do? Just wanted to let you all know that I went swimming today...and yep, I almost drowned myself! I could only swim about 45 minutes and I have a really long way if I want to swim in the triathlon this August! I CAN DO IT~ I miss walking with everyone, the socialization was so much fun! What is everyone doing to keep the pounds off?

Well, Good Luck to everyone!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Turkey Day!

Hey Chicks! I'm pulling for all of us to have a great HEALTHY Turkey Day. I for one and planning on watching carefully what goes into my body instead of a free for all. Thanks to ya'all for keeping my health foremost on my mind. I'm sure enjoying the friendship and healthy "hunting party" and love getting to know everyone better. Let's be strong AND SEXY for Turkey day this year!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Walking together

So is it just Turkey Day week that has flubbed up our walking at noon? Who wants to keep up with that? I know there's a couple of us able to go to the Club but that leaves out people. Whaddya think Chicks? It's sure easy for me to go to the club. I don't have to dress up the chitlins 'n' such.

I just can't bring myself to walk in the church. I'm sorry Megan!!!! I just feel weird running and sweating and whatever there. I know, out comes the golden violin.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

HEY Chicks!

So, The Club opened on Saturday and Nichole and I worked out... Just thought I'd let you know I'm still treking on!!! and will be at my goal soon so we better figure out some good guide lines for those who achieve...before they achieve...being on the fair side... at the lease they get their $50 back. Do you think this is fair? Input is very good on this one! and I'm sure Nichole could get a secret ballot together...that is why the voting keeps disappearing. She wants to win! :) I love you!

What do you think?

I found this inspiration on

Believing in yourself no matter what

On July 24, 2004, there was a 0% chance of rain in Cincinnati. No way was it going to rain, according to the people who should know best. You know what? Despite millions of dollars worth of sensors, computers, and forecasting systems, the weather experts were wrong. It rained, against all odds. This is not a criticism of weather people. It's just a reminder of all the people who were given 0% chance of making it by the "experts," but who succeeded anyway. Whenever accomplishments are on the line, there are always voices whispering, preaching--even shouting--that it can't be done. Sometimes, that voice is coming from inside our own heads. If you're having doubts about your abilities, just remember: How many times have the naysayers been proven wrong? No matter what anyone says--no matter what you might believe--it can be done. The nut can become a tree. There's always a chance of rain.

So 8 years ago, Harold and I were buying a business over in Salem. We had many tell us that he would fail running his own business, because he did not have the degree to back him up. He was not going to succeed unless he went back to school or worked for someone for the rest of his life. Most of these critics were our own family members.Some were banks lenders and business men. Harold's determination and street smarts turned a business that was worth $80,000 gross into a business that was worth over $600,000 gross in just 6 years. Those who were pessimistic, were amazed to see Harold succeed. Some even apologized for lack of support. The moral is, Harold and I could've moved to Utah to work for a Granite shop. We could've stayed in poverty while Harold worked hard for someone else, but instead he followed his dream, and the inspiration he received. No, we did not strike it rich, but we can hold our heads up high, knowing we beat the odds. We are all on a weight loss path that many have failed before. Just so you know, I believe in you and your goal. Let's keep on going even through the impossible holidays!!!!
Go get 'em, Megan

Friday, November 16, 2007

TAKE THE MYTH QUIZ!!!! Answer True or False

Answers to follow in a couple days!

1. Will your eyes fool your tummy? Can using a smaller plate -- like a saucer instead of a normal dish -- make you think you're eating more food than you really are?

2. There is a way for me to burn more calories than usual while I am asleep.

3. If you can lose weight by counting calories or cutting carbs, that means you don't really need to exercise.

4. As long as I'm eating a healthy food -- like fat-free cookies or fruit -- I don't have to worry about portion control or measuring out servings.

5. If I cut a lot of calories out of my diet, is it true that I may lower my metabolism and prevent myself from losing weight?

6. Eating late at night causes you to gain weight more easily than eating during the day does.

7. You really shouldn't eat between meals if you want to lose weight.

8. I have a lot of weight to lose. Shouldn't I wait until I peel off a few pounds before beginning any strength training?

9. There's no exercise that will make me lose weight around my belly.

10. If you start exercising and build up extra muscle, and you ever stop, the muscle will turn back into fat.


HOLY CRAP!!!!! Cholerics like exclamation points.  If you don't know what a choleric is~read Florence Littauer's book "Personality Plus".  

If you think that sounds stupid or that Nichole is stupid~choleric
If you think "oh how fun...could you get that book to me...oh...uh...hey!  I sure look pretty today~sanguine (love you Megan!!! ;)
If you think "I already know what type of personality I am and I'd have to check my schedule (that I keep in my PDA/computer/gadget) to see if I could fit in reading"~melancholy (you're THE best Candice ;)
If you thinkg "gosh, reading is a LOT of work, can't you just tell me what the book says?" ~phlegmatic (love you Stef!!! ;)

Anywho~~~I got the chart posted and I know it's a little difficult to interpret.  That's because I need to have my perfect melancholy friend Candice help me figure out why everybody jumps down to zero at the end.  It took me DAYS (literally) to get the kinks worked out so far, I just need a little tweaking.  Please check out the link to the whole spreadsheet too.  It's fairly self explanatory.

GO CHICKS!!!!!  We "FAT LOSERS" unite~Ciao Nichole

Thursday, November 15, 2007

WAY to GO!!!!

AMY WATSON TAKES THE WEEK!!!!!!!  With a commanding 3.69% loss.  ~~~WOOHOO~~~~

Good job Amy. You definitely took the cake this week and we're so excited for you!  Keep working though because we're on right behind you ready to pass at a moments notice.  Keep it up!

Stay tuned for the stat sheet loaded into the blog.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


1. I had a totally great post but the computer ate it

2. I hope I can remember what I said

3.  I hate to be poopy about walking in the church, but I REALLY don't want my boys running loose in the building.  Who knows what they'll find to get into.  I know...I need some cheese with my wine.  Ned may be able to chill with them...but not a real reliable option, I've found.  I'm okay with walking outside but I know that won't always work.  I'm working on options.  I guess I could just walk in the gym.  I think the kids will get bored fast.  Any other suggestions?

4.  Candice has brought up a good "problem"  She plans to be to her goal weight before January 1, 2008.  Which means, she shouldn't lose any more pounds.  How can she stay in the money runnings?  She shouldn't be punished for being skinny... or SHOULD she };-)

Stef will probably get to her goal weight on the Jan contest round so we're going to run into this issue again.  What do we do????  I thought about her having to stay at her goal weight and maintain, NO GAINS, until the contest is over.  We could probably figure out some sort of mathematical equation to .....  ugh..... I dunno!  Suggestions and solutions needed.  Nichole

Bad news

My scale has broken. i HAVEN'T WEIGHED MYSELF FOR THREE DAYS. I'm scared for thursday. So who has a reliable scale? This might throw us all off, so I'm very sorry. I don't know what happened. 9 am let's walk at the church every day.

Monday, November 12, 2007


Exciting yet throws me off!  I'm so glad to finally have snow but it was fairly difficult to get my walking done in a blizzard.  I bundled up Reed, Will, and Riley, got to the park and they lasted about 7 minutes before the complaining about cold faces started.  I couldn't very well torture the poor babies could I?  I did resistence training and stayed perfectly on my eating plan.  That should scare the pants off all ya'all b/c I'm going to be dropping weight like

I'll get back to you on that analogy.

Hope everybody is working their bums off.  I'm working my bum...and thighs...and arm....and stomach off!!!

I lost everybody's "before" pictures (except me and Megan) but I'm going to search my computer for them.  They've got to be here somewhere.  Sorry!  If I can't find them, I'll get more Thursday.

GO CHICKS!!!! GET SEXY!!!!!!  But not faster than me~nichole

Sunday, November 11, 2007

To Do

I would like to challenge the Chicks to post photos of goal body.  It can be your body or some other body.  I'm posting my picture after my first run with the 6WBMO.  I started in Mar 2003 at 266 pounds, 44.75 inch waist, 365.5 total inches.  I have always (mistakenly) thought it took me about 2 years to get to my smallest weight EVER (written proof.  I can't remember ever weighing in high school).  When we had Reed sealed to us on April 10, 2004, I remember weighing at the hotel.  156 pounds!!!!!  My lowest written recorded weight on Feb 23, 2004 at 160 pounds~281.125 total inches.  My waist was 30.5 inches.  I lost 106 pound and 84.5 total inches in 11 months!!!  REALITY CHECK  I can do that again.  I KNOW I can, I WILL.  This picture is of me at 165 pounds.

And in the beginning...


Nov 8, 2007
292 (please correct if needed)
387.75 inches

And in the beginning...


Nov 8, 2007

The 3 Who Walk

The DIE HARD walking chickies!  Way to go Amy Stef Candice


Just wanted to post a little motivation for us!

I prefer the red meat~how's about you?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

I'm better, but....

Hey guess what? My stomach is not turning today! I'm feeling great!, but Rachel and Riley threw up in the middle of the night. That leaves only Ryan and Harold to get sick. I'm giving us a week to get over this stomach thing!!! I'll be working out today, so stop taking it easy, because, I'm back!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007


Just wanted everyone to know...I was at the park by myself the other day!!! It was BORING! PLEASE get better so we can TALK, TALK, TALK...

On the other don't really have to exercise...that would be okay with me :)
We will see you soon!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Hey chicks!!!

I obviously found a fun template and installed it but I lost our poll.  So please vote again for who's gunna win the money.  I could only get two votes posted with my "little trick".

Sorry for the annoyance!  GEEZ LOUEEZE


So, I will not be working out today. I am feeling the way Porter did yesterday. I was so sick last night!!!! Hopefully I'll feel better soon. I need a last chance workout, before weighing in tomorrow! Have a good walk today! Megan

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


You are all cheating because it won't let Travis vote for me :( Someone must have locked my voting ability~

...And I'm not trying to keep voting for myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already did that once! :)


oh the video!...Travis and I couldn't stop laughing!

Monday, November 5, 2007

You are all Winners!

So I say after we complete our competition, we need to make a video of some sort like the treadmill one! That was so awesome! Talk about using skill! Anyway, even though I am winning the vote, I think you are all winners! I will think of sharing maybe a dollar with all of you when I win the money! We need to put Marcie's name in the vote, even though she has already voted for me. Ya that's right, you're still in the money flow, right Marcie? Motivate you tomorrow! Megan

Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to!

OK Go "Here it goes again" on the treadmills

I resemble that comment!

I USED to cheat!  I believe I truly conveyed that with my story Sunday.  So my two votes to win the money are from my delightful hubby and me.  Who are your votes from eh?

What a fun workout we had today.  I'm so proud of all my sexy sisters.  Even if I am going to beat your pants off you are sure making a good effort. Love Nichole

This is a hilarious video.  I'll try to post it on the blog but if I can't (time to clean my office and fix some skinny food) here is the link.  Love Nichole


Hi ladies! I'm Megan's sister, Marcie. This is such a great thing! I was just sitting here putting off getting out to run. This is great motivation! I'm going to get my little one bundled up and get out there right now! :) Marcie


Well, It is proof that if you are not working out someone else is...Nichole is cheating...walking at the park! Well, I swam a lap at Zims on Saturday...does that count as exercise? :) Good Luck...Just to let you know I have a long way before I can swim the Triathalon ... hehe! ~ Candice

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Hard day!

Today was hard with fasting. I always come home and binge. /we have to make this cheat proof, because I just found out that Nikki likes to cheat! :-) See you tomorrow at the track! Megan

Saturday, November 3, 2007

How's it doing?

How's the challenge going?  Nichole is not doing so well with the eating (which is 70% of my plan) but I'm doing good with the exercising.  I walked at Brown Park today for about 20 minutes.  Around and around and around and around....oh sorry!

Tomorrow is my day off from exercising so I have to do some sculpting/bands/resistence work just to stay in the zone.

Friday, November 2, 2007

The Task

Please sign your name when you post.  Love ya'all~

I'll try to find motivational material and post some fun pictures to keep it lively.  Check back often~You might find your picture and realize you're a superstar!!!    Nichole